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오승환 텍사스 레인저스 딜 취소

안지영 5 1355
The Rangers are back to looking for a closer.

The club broke off negotiations with Korean pitcher Seung Hwan Oh Saturday, a source said. The club had agreed to a one-year contract with the reliever, pending a physical, more than a week ago. But, according to a source, there were disconcerting issues that came up on the MRI of his arm. The deal had reportedly initially called for a $2.75 million contract and included a team option for 2019. There were also performance bonuses.

Rangers GM Jon Daniels declined to comment on the status of Oh.

댈러스뉴스 보도. 소스에 따르면, MRI결과 오른팔에서 달갑지 않은 문제가 드러나서 계약을 안 하기로했다고함.

하주석 2018.02.18 10:28  
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럭키포인트 149 개이득

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로제 2018.02.18 12:34  
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