홈 > 미스터리 > 미스터리
Steam 2018.08.07 23:50  
이야 너무 제대론데?

럭키포인트 279 개이득

가나다fkfkfk 2018.08.07 23:51  

럭키포인트 54 개이득

상병신 2018.08.08 09:13  
왜 빛이 십자가모양으로 퍼져서 담길까?    과학적으로 설명가능한사람?

럭키포인트 279 개이득

상병신 2018.08.08 09:17  
[@상병신] 찾았다 nevermind~

Why do stars have a cross-shaped distortion in most Hubble images? Why do galaxies not?

The cross shape visible on bright 오브jects (such as stars) in Hubble images is a form of distortion that is visible in all telescopes that use a mirror rather than a lens to focus light rays. The crosses, known as diffraction spikes, are caused by the light’s path being disturbed slightly as it passes by the cross-shaped struts that support the telescope’s secondary mirror.

It is only noticeable for bright 오브jects where a lot of light is concentrated on one spot, such as stars. Darker, more spread-out 오브jects like nebulae or galaxies do not show visible levels of this distortion.
20171009 2018.08.09 10:13  

럭키포인트 75 개이득
